Thursday, 9 December 2010

How to learn a new language

Do you want to learn a language in an easy, fast, interesting and effective way? If so, read on, because in this article I'm going to show you the top 3 mistakes of language learners that you should avoid at all cost!

If you avoid these three mistakes alone, you'll become fluent in a new language way more quickly than an average learner. Here they are!

1. Lack of priorities

Learning languages is about a regular work. You can't become fluent in a new language quickly if you don't practice regularly, preferably on a daily basis. Don't waste your time watching TV or using Facebook for a few hours daily - spend at least one, two or three hours learning your target language. People who don't do it aren't fluent in their target language even after a few years of learning it.

2. Learning things that don't matter

Concentrate on the most important things and don't learn things that don't matter. If you don't speak about computers in your native language, don't learn computer vocabulary in your target language. Learn the most important things and don't waste your time learning things that you aren't going to use.

3. Not immersing yourself in your target language

People who try to learn a language in a class have a really hard time learning it. It's not about learning only in a class - it's about using your new language and learning at the same time.

That's it - the top 3 mistakes of language learners. Avoid these mistakes - stop doing things that don't matter, stop learning things that don't matter and stop learning a language only in a class, go and use it.

Good luck and have fun while speaking in English!

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